About Me

Born in Hungary to a German father and Hungarian mother, my upbringing in a conservative Christian family shaped my early years. Despite conforming to the expectations of shyness and reservation, a hidden fire burned within me, yearning for liberation.

At 25, I made a life-altering decision and moved to the United Kingdom to work and pursue my passion for literature, which had captivated me since childhood. The transition to a new country was challenging, but I was determined to forge my path. Working odd jobs to make ends meet, I devoted my weekends to language learning and crafting fictional stories inspired by my new surroundings.

In 2018, destiny took an unexpected turn when I met the love of my life at Creamfields. Our deep connection ignited a profound journey of love and discovery. To her surprise, she stumbled upon my writings, revealing a hidden side of me — an inclination for crafting explicit fictional stories about my colleagues. Rather than judgment, she embraced my imagination and found joy in my tales. In fact, she surprised me with a camera, expressing her desire to act out my fantasies and bring them to life.

This pivotal moment transformed our lives. Weekends became immersive experiences dedicated to storytelling, filming, and exploring the art of erotic narratives. With passion and dedication, I honed my skills in video editing, scriptwriting, and creating alluring visuals that complemented our adventures.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, I found myself facing the unfortunate loss of my job. However, armed with my newly acquired skills in video editing, storytelling, and scriptwriting, I made a bold decision to embark on a freelance journey. It was during this transformative period that the adult industry emerged as a realm of vast possibilities, allowing me to shine a light on my talents and actively contribute to a diverse range of projects as a video editor and writer.

As I ventured further into this creative landscape, I delved into projects that explored the intricacies of same-sex relationships. This exploration not only broadened my own understanding and curiosity but also propelled me into uncharted territories of human connection and desire.

Immersed in this realm, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring my own sexuality through scripts and stories for gay projects. It sparked a passion to capture the dynamics of same-sex relationships, leading me to launch a dedicated blog — a celebration of LGBTQ+ stories.

Best Regards,
